Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009 (Ethan)

Ethan: 'Cuse me.

Carrie: Thank you for saying, "Excuse me." (puzzled) What did you do?

Ethan: I burt. From mine bum.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009 (Ethan)

(Yes, I realize that Brian isn't quite a doctor yet, but for the purpose of a conversation with a three year old, he is.)

This morning Carrie was telling Ethan about his dentist appointment this afternoon.

Carrie: ...and Alyssa will be going to the dentist, too. You're both going to get your teeth checked.

Ethan: What about Callie?

Carrie: Cats don't go to the dentist.

(A few minutes later)

Ethan: Daddy's a doctor.

Carrie: Yeah, Dad's a doctor. What kind of doctor is Daddy?

Ethan: Ummmm...a man doctor.

Carrie: Yeah, he's actually an eye doctor.

Ethan: And he's a man.