Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008 (Alyssa)

When Ethan is having a hard time going to sleep, Alyssa invites him to come lay down in her bed, then Carrie moves him to his own bed when he's sleeping.

Carrie: Thanks for letting Ethan lay down with you. It helps him go to sleep easier, and it's so nice of you. I'm so glad that you guys love each other.

Alyssa: (completely sincere) Thank you, and you are such a great Mom. You're teaching me to be good. (This is when Carrie assumes that she'll say something about Carrie being such a good example of love, or something like that.) You give me punishments when I do something bad, and it's helping me to learn to do good things. So thank you for being so good at that. I love you.

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